ACM Student Research Competition (SRC)
In 2023, ISEC will host its 2nd ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). ACM SRC offers a unique platform for undergraduate and graduate (Masters or early PhD) students to present their research work before a panel of judges and attendees, and compete for prizes. The forum provides an excellent opportunity for students to discuss their research with experts in their field, get feedback, and sharpen their research, communication and networking skills.
To participate in the competition, ISEC 2023 invites students to submit a 2-page extended abstract of his or her research work. The submitted work will be peer-reviewed. Each student whose paper is selected by a panel of reviewers will be invited to attend the SRC competition at ISEC 2023 and present his or her work as a poster presentation and a research talk.
Categories and Awards
The SRC contest has two categories, one for undergraduate research and the other for graduate research. Research completed while the student was an undergraduate may be submitted to the undergraduate category even if the student is now a first-year graduate student.
Three winners will be selected in each category. The three winners in each category, undergraduate and graduate will receive certificates and a monetary award of $500, $300, and $200, respectively. The names of the winners will also be posted on ISEC 2023 website.
The first-place winners of the undergraduate and graduate (Masters or early PhD program) from the SRC will be invited to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals.
Submission Guidelines
To participate in the competition at ISEC 2023, your research needs to be related to the main themes of the ISEC 2023 conference (see the topics for the Research Papers Track). If your research is not among the topics relevant for ISEC 2023, please check to find a conference that is better related to your research work.
Participants must register for the host conference as well as be currently enrolled in a university or college and have an active ACM student membership. All requirements of participation can be found at
Extended abstracts written in English must not exceed 2 pages (800 words max), including all text, appendices, and figures. Each submission should include the author(s)' name(s), affiliations, email addresses, research advisors' names, ACM student member number, SRC category (undergraduate or graduate), and an extended abstract of no more than two pages in the conference template available at Additional pages are permitted only if they contain only references. The extended research abstract must be submitted as a PDF file electronically via Easychair submission site by 31 October 2022.
Selection Process
Following ACM SRC guidelines, the ISEC 2023 SRC consists of three rounds:
Extended Abstracts: All students are encouraged to submit a 2-page extended abstract outlining their research. All submissions will be reviewed by at-least three reviewers and selected papers will be invited to a poster session to be held during ISEC 2023. A submission to the competition should describe recently completed or ongoing student research related to the topics covered by ISEC 2023. It is important that your research abstract discusses.
- Research problem and motivation
- Background and related work
- Approach and uniqueness
- Results and contributions
Poster Session at ISEC 2023: In the poster session, students will have the opportunity to present their work to the judges, who will select three finalists in each category (graduate/undergraduate) to advance to the next round based on (a) Motivation of the research, (b) Background work, (c) Approach and research methods, (d) Results and significance contributions, and (e) Quality of the oral and visual presentation.
Presentations at ISEC 2023: The students of the selected papers from poster session will give an oral presentation at ISEC 2023 to compete for the final awards in each category (undergraduate and graduate). The panel of judges will evaluate all presentations and select winners based on the presenter's knowledge of their research area, contribution of the research, and the quality of the oral and visual presentation.
Previous Edition(s): The first edition of the ACM SRC at ISEC was held at 15th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2022) at DA-IICT Gandhinagar in Online Mode.
ACM will provide the medal and monetary award to the SRC student winners (top three winners in graduate/undergraduate category)
For additional information, see SRC Frequently asked questions, consult the ACM Student Research Competition website or contact SRC Track chairs Sheikh Umar Farooq and O. P. Vyas.

Important Dates AoE (UTC-12h)
- Paper Submission Deadline:
30 November 2022 - Notification of Acceptance:
10 December 2022 - Camera Ready Copy due:
20 December 2022
Easychair Submission Link
Papers must be submitted electronically through the
Easychair submission site
SRC Track Chairs
- Sheikh Umar Farooq, University of Kashmir, India
- O. P. Vyas, IIIT Allahabad, India